

The Otorhinolaryngology Clinic in the IC is a highly advanced well equipped unit for the management of diseases of the ear, nose and throat for adults and children. Surgical operations are done by our consultants in the clinic or in the hospitals using the latest techniques available such as lasers, radio waves and endoscopes.
Most common conditions treated at Otorhinolaryngology Clinic
  • Infections of the ears, nose and throat
  • Snoring
  • Chronic nasal blockage
  • Allergic conditions
  • Hearing impairment
  • Voice disorders
  • Vertigo and tinnitus
  • Pressure trauma during flights and diving
  • Emergency cases
List of some services provided by our competent Otorhinolaryngologist
Endoscopic examination for the nose, throat and larynx
LASER and Radiofrequency operations in the clinic for cases of snoring, chronic nasal blockage, tonsillar enlargement, effusion in the middle ears and biopsy.
Surgical operations under general anesthesia using microscopic and endoscopic techniques.
Hearing test and evaluation of the middle ear functions
Surgical operations under anesthesia using microscopic & endoscopic techniques are performed in different hospitals by our consultants at :
Al-saif Hospital